Atlanta Zoo


Let me start off by saying this was the best zoo that we have been to so far. This zoo had a large gorilla enclosure and is known for the most gorillas in a zoo within the United States. The elephant enclosure let's you get up close to the elephants whether in the indoor elephant enclosure or when they are outside walking around. You can get really close to the giraffes and you can aso purchase leaves for $3.00 to feed the giraffes as well. This zoo is also 1 in 4 zoos within the U.S that have panda bears as well. When we went we did have to wait in line for about 15 minutes to get into the panda area but it was real neat when we did. On that day we were able to see 3 pandas with 2 being sisters along with their mother. The lions were being pretty lazy that day but they do have 2 lions along with a tiger. The tiger enclosure is hard to see the tiger unless he is right by the glass. This zoo also has a Comodo dragon as well. We were unable to view him due to he was in hiding. They also have an indoor reptile exhibit which is also pretty neat. Covid restrictions was still going on when we went in May so we had to wear mask in the few indoor places that were open but most indoor viewing areas were closed due to covid. Although these areas were closed it really did not affect what we could see. There were plenty other areas that we could view the animals from. Below are a few of the animals that we caught up close.

Parking at the Atlanta zoo.... 

If you use Google maps to navigate to the zoo it will lead you to the outside parking areas but there is a parking garage as well. We prefer the parking garage because it is covered so your car does not get as hot along with it is surveillanced with cameras. It also has parking indicators that will tell you when a row is full or not so your not just circling around trying to find a spot. The price is the same regardless if you park at the outdoor or indoor parking as well. 

One day tickets or Membership? 

When purchasing tickets for the Atlanta zoo take into consideration if you would benefit from a membership there. When we went to book tickets for a family of 5, the tickets were going to cost almost 150.00 but when we looked into the membership we were able to get a years membership for 139.00!!! So we saved almost $11.00 plus can go as many times as we want to for a whole year. You can also use your memberships to receive discount admission or sometimes free admission to other zoos that participate in the program. 


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